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Showing posts from January, 2019

First Month at YWAM Honolulu!!

Shekinah House (Girl's House) It hasn't been a full month yet but it feels like I have been here for awhile! I arrived on Jan 9th and began orientation on the 10th. When I arrived on base I was brought to my living quarters which is Bunk beds a small house shared among 25 girls. We share 3 bathrooms, one fridge, a small common room and sleep on bunk beds. This has been the most people I have ever lived with in my life. Its very similar to what I imagine living in a college dorm is like but I never had that option in college. View of Manoa Valley The YWAM base is located in Manoa Valley in Honolulu and is near the University of Hawaii. Everyday we begin our day with breakfast and one hour of bible reading/journal quiet time with Jesus. This is very important and something that YWAM values highly! Starting each day with Jesus is the most important thing you can do. We have lectures throughout the week covering various topics. In our first week of lectures, we

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You know that feeling you sometimes have when you are on your seat about something? Back in September as I was about to leave Korea, I remember having the same feeling I do now. The anticipation and excitement for what is up ahead but also immense feelings of gratitude and amazement looking back at what God did in the past. Earlier this year, 2018, God asked me if I would be willing to let go of all I had. Let go, give up control and trust me. Every time I heard this phrase ringing in my head it was never easy but it has been rewarding.  December was a full month here. Since I came back to Canada, I got involved right away in various activities at the church. I was participating in the ladies bible study, assisting with youth ministry as well as other areas needed.  I want to share just some highlights. During one night at youth, one of the girls started crying. Running over to see what the issue was she opened up to me about how her cousin had brain cancer. If I didn't