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You know that feeling you sometimes have when you are on your seat about something? Back in September as I was about to leave Korea, I remember having the same feeling I do now. The anticipation and excitement for what is up ahead but also immense feelings of gratitude and amazement looking back at what God did in the past. Earlier this year, 2018, God asked me if I would be willing to let go of all I had. Let go, give up control and trust me. Every time I heard this phrase ringing in my head it was never easy but it has been rewarding. 

December was a full month here. Since I came back to Canada, I got involved right away in various activities at the church. I was participating in the ladies bible study, assisting with youth ministry as well as other areas needed. 

I want to share just some highlights. During one night at youth, one of the girls started crying. Running over to see what the issue was she opened up to me about how her cousin had brain cancer. If I didn't feel helpless before that moment, I felt even more so, especially unsure of what to say. I told her that I don't understand why these things happen but I prayed for her and her cousin. Still no reason or assurance coming to mind to comfort her with, I began telling her that she was not alone and that we were here for her. She told me that she has never heard that before and I knew that was what she needed. 

(Photos will be uploaded shortly - technical issues)

I have been helping to watch my friend's son who comes to church with his grandparents while my friend is at work. Since he is the only kid that has been attending at church there is no Sunday school, so I have been doing various activities and crafts with him. Recently while I was babysitting him outside of church, I started playing Hillsong Kids and he asked me "Who is Jesus?" "Why does Jesus love me?" I was amazed at the discussion we were having. This kid is only 4 and he is like an energetic sponge! 

Greater things are yet to come!

This past week, I was meant to take a train from a small town near my family to Winnipeg where I will be flying out from to Honolulu. I began having a feeling that I was not going to be taking the train but I didn't know how I would otherwise get there.

 On Wed, my friend told me that he was going into Winnipeg on Friday and offered to take me in. Viarail doesn't offer reimbursements and it wasn't that expensive, so I decided to extend my stay and go into the city with my friend on Friday. Thursday afternoon, a couple hours after my train was supposed to arrive, I get a call from the company saying that there was a derailment on the tracks and that they were arranging a bus to pick me up and take me to Winnipeg. I told them my situation and the reason why I didn't bother to call to cancel since they don't offer refunds. "Oh actually we are going to issue you a full refund." - Seriously! Jesus is AMAZING! 

Derailed freight train on the tracks (Photo Credit: CBC News)
I made it to Winnipeg and am staying with a couple friends until the day of my departure. The weather was quite cold here but the day I decided to put my winter coat into storage was the day the weather decided to warm up from -30 to -3!! Shouts of praise to Jesus!

There is a snow storm that just hit southern Manitoba today and is going to make its way to Winnipeg tonight. Praying that this will not cause any problems for me as I travel to the airport on Tuesday morning. Sometimes when you are heading in the right direction, you will face obstacles. You just have to push through!! 

So let me just catch you all up with what I am doing for the next 5 1/2 months I will be enrolled in a Discipleship Training School with YWAM Honolulu. YWAM - Youth With A Mission 

"The Discipleship Training School is a foundational program that helps to build faith and character in the students. The aim is to know God and make Him known."

There will be a 3 month lecture phase where we will have the opportunity to pursue and learn more about God through bible study, worship, prayer, teachings and evangelism followed by 2 1/2 months of outreach overseas in Asia. The location we will be going for our outreach is yet to be determined but it will be in Asia.

Subjects covered during the lecture phase include: knowing the character of God
and His voice; intercessory prayer; the Bible (study methods, meditation and application of spiritual
principles); relating to one another; authorities and Biblical conflict management; Biblical world-view; spiritual disciplines; overcoming temptation, the enemy; living a victorious life and reaching the lost.

The DTS outreach phase will give us the chance to apply the principles we learned during our lectures. We can put all of our new perspective into action by sharing God’s truth in different places all around the world. The goal is to share the love of God which we have experienced in our own life.

Once our lecture phase is complete, we will be sent on an outreach to a foreign location. Leaders will be praying about where we will be sent and I have been informed that we will find out during our second week. Recent DTS outreach destinations have included: Cambodia, India, Nepal, China,the Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

During the outreach phase we could be teaching English, participating in various local ministries, or whatever is needed. I can't give you an answer as to what we will be doing exactly, I don't even know where we will be yet! But I know that we will be working alongside one another doing whatever Jesus leads us to do. Being willing to serve and loving one another. 

What will you do after your DTS?

I have the same question myself! What will I do after my DTS? I don't know. But I can say that I am walking in faith believing that as I continue to do so God will reveal that to me. When God asked me last year if I was willing to once again let go, I knew that it meant letting go of everything! I don't have a place to call my own and for the past 7.5 years I have been living back and forth in many locations in Korea and in Canada. 

This has been the hardest post I have posted thus far for many reasons. Since I left Korea in September, I have been raising support. Thank you so much to those who have been praying and supporting me!! Here is a breakdown of what I have raised and what is still needed:

$5005 - raised to date

$8005 - DTS Program
$736 - round trip ticket to Honolulu 
$215 - U.S. B1/B2 visa 
$2500 (approx) - Outreach (unknown)

Total = $11,456 (approx) - $5005 (raised) = $6451 (needed)

*If you would like to support me and help to cover the costs still needed for this mission work please contact me via email at: for more info. I can also accept online bank transfers and if you need a tax receipt please message me for details.

Prayer requests:

Please pray that I can make it safely to the airport on Tuesday as a snowstorm will affect traffic this week and safe travels to Hawaii. 

Thank you so so much for all of your love and support!!


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