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Showing posts from March, 2019

Upside Down Kingdom

O ver the past 2.5 months since coming to Honolulu for DTS (Discipleship Training School) with YWAM, my life and perspective has changed radically. The theme coming into our DTS quarter is " All in. All for. All because of Jesus. "  The other day I was talking with my friend Anna, about all that I have been learning since I arrived in Hawaii but also some struggles I still have. It's not easy to put things into words, especially when you don't what you are feeling or why. I have been feeling anxious about the future and about going to Indonesia . I love the team that I'm apart of but I worry about what I will do once we come back. I am done with school so I won't be doing that like many other young people will be doing.  I don't have a place to call my own even though I do have family to stay with temporarily. I don't have a husband either so I am doing this alone. I feel as though I have been wandering through life alone and its hard at times, e


Each morning at 7am, we are required to wake up for breakfast and start devo/quiet times at 7:30-8:30am. Every day looks slightly different as we have intercession/book reading time/chapel talk/base worship. This DTS was NOTHING like I anticipated and we have not only participated in lectures but also are involved in weekly EVANGELISM and COMMUNITY OUTREACH . I have been working with an afterschool program once a week, helping kids with homework and doing chapel services. Every Tuesday night we go out to the streets and tourist area of Waikiki beach in Honolulu, to evangelize (share about Jesus) with people. When I first went out, I was so scared of running up to random people and telling them about Jesus. Over the past 2 months I've been continually challenged to get outside of my comfort zone and to embrace rejection. We continued walking a bit when a young guy caught my attention. I said that we need to go talk to him. Awkwardly turning around, we began to fo

Chapel Talk - "Courtship with Jesus"

Last week, I had to give a 10 min message to our DTS class in preparation for our overseas outreach. When we found out that we would each be sharing, I didn't know what I would speak on but I decided it would be fun to preach on something from the book of Song of Songs or Song of Solomon. I didn't realize how much I would love this book after doing research on it, neither did I realize how personal this message would be to me.  Chapel Talk:  "Who here can confidently say they have the gift of singleness? Who here thinks about their wedding day or at least has thought about it? This is something that I have thought about a lot, especially in my twenties. I longed for a relationship where it literally consumed much of my attention. I still loved Jesus a lot but I can honestly say that He was not always my first priority. Just before I turned 30, I decided to go on a dating fast to refocus on my relationship with Jesus - it was during that season that God called me