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Chapel Talk - "Courtship with Jesus"

Last week, I had to give a 10 min message to our DTS class in preparation for our overseas outreach. When we found out that we would each be sharing, I didn't know what I would speak on but I decided it would be fun to preach on something from the book of Song of Songs or Song of Solomon. I didn't realize how much I would love this book after doing research on it, neither did I realize how personal this message would be to me. 

Chapel Talk: 

"Who here can confidently say they have the gift of singleness? Who here thinks about their wedding day or at least has thought about it? This is something that I have thought about a lot, especially in my twenties. I longed for a relationship where it literally consumed much of my attention. I still loved Jesus a lot but I can honestly say that He was not always my first priority. Just before I turned 30, I decided to go on a dating fast to refocus on my relationship with Jesus - it was during that season that God called me here.

Something I learned during that year is that singleness, dating and marriage are not the main story line of life.  How do you view your singleness? God has ordained this season of singleness in you because he wants to champion something in you. What attitude do you need to see your singleness as a gift?

We all receive gifts in different seasons of our lives. A toy car is good for a kid but how about  real car? (Power wheels) A car is a good gift but given at the wrong time can be destructive and hurtful. You would never give a car to a 10 year old as it would hurt them. 

Today I want to talk about "Courtship with Jesus." For the past few weeks I have been studying the book of Song of Solomon or Song of Songs. I found this book to be the most neglected book in the bible and many feel uncomfortable reading it because of the language it uses. The Song of Songs denotes a Hebrew idiom meaning "most holy" or the best of songs. 

The best way to see this book is as a literal, powerful description or the romance and sensual love between a man and a woman, observing both their courtship and their marriage. But also we see God uses the marriage relationship as an illustration of the relationship that he has with his people. The Song of Songs illustrates the love, the intensity and the beauty of relationship that should exist between God and the believer.

Song of Songs 1:2 says, "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, For your love is better than wine."

There is a lot to interpret in this book. I spent a whole month studying this book. The kisses of his mouth mean the assurance that we are pardoned from our sins and now are filled with peace, joy and hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. We can take pleasure in loving Christ and being loved by Him. Christ's love is more valuable and desirable than anything this world can give.

We all have chosen to accept Jesus into our lives and to walk with Him. What is your relationship with Him like? Do you take the most pleasure in your relationship with Him? 

In this verse it says that "your love is better than wine;" Wine had multiple uses; it was used to heal ailments. Christ's love is better than wine because of what it is not. It is totally safe, and may be taken without question - you can't too much. It doesn't cost anything. Taking more of it does not diminish the taste of it. It is totally without impurities and will never turn sour. It produces no ill effects.

Christ's love is better than wine because of what it is: like wine, the love of Christ has healing properties. Like wine, the love of Christ is associated with giving strength. Like wine, the love of Christ is a symbol of joy. Like wine, the love of Christ exhilarates the soul. .

How does Jesus pursue me? He pursues us by showing us tokens of affection: these tokens of affection could include anything from a cascading waterfall, a breath taking sunset, the sweet smell of spring after a fresh rain fall. Everything has has been created for us, but all this beauty is nothing compared to what He has prepared for us in eternity. Its awesome to remember that God created the treasures of the world just for us - simple treasures simply cannot compare with heaven. 

The tokens He gives us on earth are like the diamond ring that signifies an engagement; beautiful and stunning but nothing compared to the complete gift when he finally brings her home and the two become one, dedicating his life to her well-being.

God's history with humankind is a love story that is at times tragic and triumphant - its one of the most beautiful exchanges of love letters ever written. 

What is the practical application to all this? Allow yourself to let God write your love story and fall in love with Jesus. How? To fall in love with Jesus, we must know Him. Not superficially but deeply. This takes time and persistence, just like any good relationship

We can become aware of God's untiring daily courtship and chose to love him as a wife loves her husband.

What’s one thing Jesus has done for you that inspires you to love Him?"


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