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Showing posts from 2018

Learning to Trust God - U.S. Visa Update!

What will it take for you to...(fill in the blank)? It was a question that I myself have wrestled with over the years. Its easy for me to just say that I would go anywhere that God tells me to and that if he said go, I'd go. Its easier said than done. I can attest to that! Recently I made an unexpected trip to Calgary to visit the U.S. Embassy to apply for my visa to the states. It was a long hectic process. One that nearly broke me down into a flood of tears on multiple occasions.  After reading through the forms online, I began to prepare all my documents. First my U.S. visa picture was rejected and I had to wait another day in order to go and get a new one issued. I was creating an online profile in order to book a visa interview appointment.  Then after making the wrong appointment and a few phone calls later, I got the right information and scheduled to make my interview appointment. That was when I read that the length of time it would take to process and issu

God is Bigger Than My Situation - Applying for a Visa

There have been many times where I want to give up and take the easy road when things get challenging. When I was applying for YWAM DTS, things seemed to be going fairly smooth. Preparing to move out of Korea and leave behind a life I had built for the past 7 years was definitely the hardest part of this whole process. But now that I am back in Canada preparing to go to Honolulu is January things are looking interesting. Being a Canadian citizen allows me free access to the States with no visa EXCEPT since I'm not going over as a tourist but a volunteer missions trainee (not a student), I need to apply for a B-1 visa.  Downtown Edmonton To make things a bit more interesting, Canada post is on strike which means applying for the visa needs to be done in person at the nearest US Embassy/Consulate. I'm not sure how long this process will take me (please pray that this won't take long) but I am preparing to get my photos today and will fill out 40 pages online before I

Draw Near to God

" Draw   near   to   God , and he will  draw   near   to  you." James 4:8a I couldn't stay seated anymore as I sat behind my computer trying to decide what to type. What was I doing? I feel like all I'm doing is wasting valuable time! I have been in Canada for over a month now and I felt like I was not making the best use of my time. Walking home with my free drink! Since coming back I have been getting more involved at the church such as helping out with the youth program, joining the women's bible study, and helping out at the kids program the first week. I have also been reconnecting with many old friends from high school and for a while I was preparing for the Tea/Silent Auction/Bake sale fundraiser which didn't have a great turn out due to the snow storm that blew in early October.  Its not easy for me to sit around and I have no idea what it truly means to relax. I know that I just came back from teaching in Korea and that this transition

Tea/Silent Auction/Bake sale - Oct 13, 2018 Fundraiser Event

A week ago, I was able to host a big fundraiser at the local church in Minnedosa. Many people at the church offered to bake some goodies for the bake sale, offered donated items to contribute to the silent auction, as well as help set up for the event. It was quite an ordeal and I am so thankful for all of the generous support I received through Minnedosa Calvary Church. Unfortunately, the morning of the fundraiser, we were hit with a snow storm and not many people came out. Nevertheless, God was faithful and those who came by (majority being the church congregation) were extremely generous! Thank you all!! Total funds raised - $623 CAD Baked goods  Silent Auction Table - Most items were from Korea Silent Auction Table - Most items were donated

Year of Expectation - DTS

Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Beginning of January 2018 was my year of "EXPECTATION" - it sounded too hopefully and to be honest I doubted that was truly the word that God had given me to mark the new year. It didn't take long before the word "expectation" was truly confirmed various times (maybe you can understand, if not its okay) Mainstreet - Minnedosa, MB Its hard as I wrestle with knowing what I should be doing. Coming back to Canada, back to my hometown where I lived before going off to college. In the beginning, I began wrestling with thoughts such as "I'm a failed missionary" but those lies only clouded the road that God had already paved ahead of me. The clouds could obstruct the view in front of me but they had no ability apart from that. In just a few short months I will be boarding a

Airline Tickets Booked to Honolulu

September 21, 2018, 8:12 pm Hello Everyone!! I just booked my round trip tickets to Honolulu, Jan 7th to June 17th. I got a very good deal on tickets, praise God! I am back in Canada visiting my family for a few months until DTS. I will be doing some fundraising events here as well. I am about 20% funded and am still in need of further support. Thank you to all those who have been supporting me both financially and prayerfully! If you want to know details regarding the expenses, feel free to message me! Love you all!!

Mission Fundraising Story

Hi family and friends!! As many of you may or may not know by now, I will be going to  YWAM (Youth With A Mission)  in Honolulu, Hawaii in  Jan 2019  to do my first  DTS (Discipleship Training School).   I have been accepted into the  DTS (10/40 mission window)  program that focuses primarily on training and equipping missionaries to reach the unreached people within the Asian nations in that region. Following bible college in 2011, I moved to Korea to teach as an English Teacher and became involved with North Korean missions. YWAM was always on my mind even before  initially moving to Korea but I didn’t know much about it at the time. What then started out as an  IDEA  then became a   DREAM  and is soon to become a   REALITY.  In February 2018, I felt challenged by God when he began to remind me of the calling to go to “nations”. I felt him ask me,  “Are you willing to let go?”  I knew that this was specific regarding my willingness to let go of everything I have in Korea.