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Year of Expectation - DTS

Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

Beginning of January 2018 was my year of "EXPECTATION" - it sounded too hopefully and to be honest I doubted that was truly the word that God had given me to mark the new year. It didn't take long before the word "expectation" was truly confirmed various times (maybe you can understand, if not its okay)

Mainstreet - Minnedosa, MB

Its hard as I wrestle with knowing what I should be doing. Coming back to Canada, back to my hometown where I lived before going off to college. In the beginning, I began wrestling with thoughts such as "I'm a failed missionary" but those lies only clouded the road that God had already paved ahead of me. The clouds could obstruct the view in front of me but they had no ability apart from that. In just a few short months I will be boarding a plane to Honolulu to begin a new journey. To be honest, it feels very surreal, yet exciting. Where will I go once I complete my DTS training? 

Just months before I arriving back in Canada, I was also wrestling with deep thoughts and ultimately with God. Although I knew that my season of teaching English in Korea was coming to a close, I wasn't able to imagine my time in Korea officially coming to an end as well. "You are not walking in full obedience" I heard God say to me.

What do you mean I'm not walking in obedience God? I just applied for DTS, I notified my landlord that I would be moving out at the end of August, I'm going to be surrendering my visa to teach in Korea and I'm moving back to Canada. 

I had taken all the steps to move forth and yet God was drawing my attention to something I had not yet fully surrendered. Taking steps of faith requires you to just do that. 

Again I heard Him say, "In order to walk in full obedience you also need to let go of your future plans". 

Its not easy letting go of control, wondering how things will happen. I never thought that planning for your future was a bad things and its not. Until you realize that perhaps those very plans are the ones that will hold you in bondage. I imagined that I would go to Honolulu to do DTS and then afterwards I would return to Korea to work with the NGO, helping them with their ministry to North Korea. It was then I also realized that I would have potentially pushed other opportunities that will come up because the path I had was already set out. Would I actually let my own plans interfere with God's already set plans for my life?

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."  

When did I stop fully trusting God and putting my complete faith into Him? 

The life of a christian has never been guaranteed to be an easy one but I can say with full confidence that it is a fulfilling one! Its been over a month now since I have been in Canada now and it has been a good time for me to reconnect with people and old friends I haven't seen in years as well as family. I am still on the journey of discovery and am continually growing, learning about what it truly means to let go, give up control and trust Him. 

So if you ask me what are my plans following DTS I can't give you a more confident answer than I don't know but God does. My hope and prayer is that I will continue to grow deeper in relationship with God, learning to hear his voice more clearly so that when He asks me to go out somewhere new next that I will continue to step out. I'm excited about taking these next steps. I am asking that you would prayerfully consider supporting me financially. 

Funds Raised to Date: $2455.00
Funds Remaining: $5443

*Please feel free to reach out and email me if you have any further questions.


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